Benefits and Savings Plans
At Fidelity, as a Style Guide Reviewer, I ensured product adherence to the corporate style guide and usability guidelines by monitoring every stage of the product's development. Other tasks included translating findings from moderated user tests, A/B testing, and eye-tracking software to help improve our living style guide.
In an age before Figma, we were required to annotate and mock-up specs of the visual designs for shared use among the team.
As a Visual Designer, I designed user flows for investment and retirement products, attention to reducing clutter, simplifying user paths, and helping establish better ways of using notifications alerting the user of items needing their immediate attention. There was some rapid prototyping sessions as well.
Products: NetBenefits, PSW, StreetScape, CCW, myPlan, Wealth Central
Disclaimer: Mind you, we were designing in the style and limited digital space of 2007-2008.
Style Guide Reviewer
Visual Designer
Microsoft Visio
Adobe Photoshop
Macromedia Fireworks